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There are so many trails in Andorra, along with some great ski slopes. We took the opportunity to hike a relatively small trail on the border of Andorra and France, Estany de Jucla. Although it’s only 4.57km in length (2.83 miles), it’s a 453 meter climb (1486 feet). That makes it a fairly rigous trail that gets pretty steep in some places. It even crosses a few streams.

The trail

There is a small gravel parking area that’s off the beaten path near a small animal farm, but not horribly difficult to find. While preparing to hike, we were debating which of two trail heads were the right one. We began to go with the more noticable trail. As we headed out, were discussing the options. We weren’t more than a minute up the mountain when two very fit guys in their mid 30s showed up to hike the trail. They proceeded to pull out climbing rope, immediately making us wonder if we were going to regret our decision to hike this trail.

We then went back down and started up a conversation with them. After a short discussion, we found out they were actually park rangers and that their job that day was to hike the trail to ascertain its current condition. It was clear they loved their work. Who wouldn’t love to climb mountains all day long as a park ranger in Andorra?

We also found out the two trails were radically different, but both trails had their respective challenges. The one trail (the one we had started on originally) had several gaps and 20′ cliff climbs (hence the climbing rope). It was roughly 8.5km (5.2 miles) in length, elevation change obviously much more difficult than the one we were intending on hiking.

Needless to say, the two guys went to do the long hike, we went to do the short hike. We parted ways and each began to hike our respective trails. The weather was perfect for hiking that day, 55 degrees fahrenheit (13 degress celsius). A bit cloudy and a touch foggy, certainly nothing to hinder the spectacular views. The trail was peaceful and we were along until we got to the top.

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At the top was Lake Juclar.

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The hikers we met at the top a couple of whom were through hiking. After enjoying a discussion with them as well as the view, we headed back down.

There was also a refuge cabin that people can stay in. The cabin provides a place to sleep with a fire place, areas to cook, complete with a picnic table. It’s rustic, but perfect for “through” hikers (see explanation here).

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When we were about half-way down the descent from our 4 hour hike, the rangers “lapped” us. Apparently the downward (return) part of our trail was part of the other loop trail.

Even though our trail was a good challenge, we felt very out of shape, as they had hiked something way more difficult and longer than us in an incredibly short period of time.

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Categories: Places To Go
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