Enjoy life, Journey Moore Often!

Safety (Security) Details

For Americans traveling outside of the US, one needs to look to research/see what the situation is where you’re going. Particularly in that country/region and the stability of the destination. The US State Department has a website that is regularly updated. They have everything on it regarding travel safety. That includes recommendations in different countries and regions of the world. Even if you are traveling to a relatively popular, seemingly safe place, it is good to check just to ensure travel safety. In particular, especially with developing nations (formerly called “third world countries”). Registering with the State Department is an all-around good idea. That way if something unexpected happens for whatever reason, they know to look for everyone registered.

If you’re flying somewhere for any length of time, it’s always good to be prepared. Travel and Leisure put together a 27 Carry-on Must Haves that assists in making the flight to your journey more enjoyable.

Situational Awareness

Although this is a military term, it applies to everyone, everywhere. Always be aware of where you are, your surroundings, and how you are conducting yourself.

Look to see if the area has any potential for danger. It’s not too difficult to tell. Especially when the State Department has a warning out. For example, cities like Barcelona and Paris are well known for pickpockets. Knowing ahead of time allows you to plan accordingly. Things like – don’t go to known areas, or keeping your belongs in places more difficult to access.

Knowing where you’re going is important so you don’t get lost. It’s bad enough getting lost in your home country, but getting lost where you don’t speak the language can be harrowing. Constantly looking at your map or phone to see what to do is a clear indication you don’t belong where you’re at.

For surroundings, poorly lit areas are a giveaway for sure. Also the condition of the neighborhood is a clue. In resort areas, it’s best not to go outside the compound unless it is with a tour group or using a safe transportation vehicle (taxi set up by the resort concierge) to a safe location.

Conducting yourself appropriately is critical. Tourists from the US tend to wear flags (both literally and figuratively) that highlight they are tourists and easy marks. Behavior is critical and it’s important to know how to act on vacation.

Clothing can be another obvious factor. Unless it’s important for you to set a fashion statement everywhere you go, consider blending in.

Final Thoughts

Considering the above, it is when we are totally self-absorbed that we are at our weakest. Not is a personality sort of way. Rather when we’re only paying attention to whatever it is we are doing. That’s not to say you should never look at your map, but be discrete, not obvious. The more you stick out, the more potential for being a target.

Avoidance is the key. Work to avoid situations and scenarios. That reduces opportunity for anything other than having a good time!

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