Enjoy life, Journey Moore Often!


I apologize for the length, however, we are making excellent progress and definitely gaining momentum on working towards a resolution on the PECO power surge issue!

Currently, I have a list of over 50 HOUSEHOLDS that have experienced significant damage ($3k and above) and that I have been made aware of. I have every reason to believe there are many more out there who haven’t made their voice heard as of yet.

In that regard, if you would like to add to the list your losses due to the power surges, it is DEFINITELY NOT TOO LATE! Please provide the date, general location (closest cross street), the general list of items (washer, coffee maker, battery charger, etc.) and approximate total loss. And, if you had to call the fire company for a burning appliance (I believe there’s at least one household out there), please add that in too. Pictures (of fried circuit breakers, electrical outlets, etc.) that show the damage would be awesome if you have any.

Representative John Lawrence has scheduled a meeting with PECO and myself at his office in early December. Along with their PR representative, PECO’s engineer is anticipated to attend.

We (all of us collectively!) now have the ear of State Farm and now that we do, I’m sure that there are other homeowner’s insurance companies that would like to join in the “discussion” with PECO. If there were additional insurance companies joining in the fray, I’m confident that between us, the insurance companies and Rep Lawrence, PECO will be forced to act on our behalf. So if you made a claim, please add your insurance company name (Nationwide, Allstate, etc.) in the comments here, and I will contact them directly.

Another thing to keep in mind – considering the voltage entering our homes, this is not just about property loss, but also about our neighborhood’s safety. While remote, this amount of voltage can start a fire and under the right conditions, someone could possibly be electrocuted.

Finally, your participation and the information you have all provided has made a significant impact in our ability to move forward on this issue. Even information like “this never used to happen” and “it took out my whole house surge protector” has great value. Thanks so much for your current and future contributions!

Until the next update!

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