Enjoy life, Journey Moore Often!

Ledson Winery and Vineyards

Full disclaimer up front. We did not do a wine tasting at Ledson Winery and Vineyards in Sonoma County, CA (we had some time, but not that much time), so we unfortunately have no idea what their wine tastes like.

You’re probably asking, so why did you go then?

The View

The view of the winery estate from State Route 12 (Sonoma Highway) is impressive, really impressive. We noticed Ledson Winery (FB page) on the way to and from our Bald Mountain Trail hike. And since Gary enjoys architecture and well built structures, we decided to go in.

Even from the highway, almost 1,000 feet away, it looks like the mansion it is, well, it’s actually a castle.

With the drive curving its way through seemingly endless rows of vines, the approach appropriately builds the antipation as you get closer.

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There’s a pretty good amount of parking for both busy days and larger events. Ledson Winery (FB page) hosts weddings throughout the year and they’re geared not just for smaller, but also very large weddings.

The Castle

When we walked in, we made it clear that we didn’t have time to do a wine tasting. We stated that we were there only to satisfy our curiousity. We asked politely if we they would indulge us in allowing us to do a self tour. They graciously said as long as we were respectful, we could quietly enjoy the inside of the castle.

Interesting point. At this stage in time, we had absolutely no idea we would be starting our Journey Moore Often blog less than two months from our visit. Let alone think that we’d ever end up promoting them.

The Inside

Inside was as impressive as the outside. Stately, massive, the woodwork alone was phenomenal. The first thing you see as you enter the front door, was the staircase going to the second floor.

They also have an elevator “tucked in” to the architectural but certainly not hidden. It was near the middle of the castle and large enough to fit a group of people as well as wheel chairs.

Throughout the castle there were pictures hung on the walls everywhere. Not your typical pictures though. Most were photographs of the 5 generations of the Ledson family that have contributed to where they are today. The Ledson family history is a wonderful “Rags to Riches” success story worth ready.

There are many different sized rooms that can accommodate anywhere from 4 to a couple hundred. Depending on the size of your group, they will find the right room. Some are open and overlook the vineyard.

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Throughout the inside are beautiful wooden serving bars as well. At least one for each larger room, some rooms having more.

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There’s an area where the serve sandwiches and snack foods. Plenty of places where guests can sit and eat, both inside and out. Events can be easily catered.

Sorry, but given the explanation provided earlier, we have less pictures that we’d have liked to provide the reader. We can tell you this – it was well worth stopping by.

As the Ledson family clearly puts this much attention to wine tasting experience, it makes us want to try their wine all that much more.

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