Enjoy life, Journey Moore Often!

Appalachian Trail – Snickers Gap

Hiking for us is a passion. The Appalachian Trail (AT) is 2175 miles long and has numerous places you can access the trail and hike for an hour or two. We decided that Snickers Gap was the perfect place for that shorter hike, which makes one a “day hiker”.

There’s a parking lot at the head of a small connector trail to the Appalachian Trail. If you look up on Google Maps, you can find out exactly where the trail head begins.

The AT is different in every state, so each section of the trail shows off nature in a different way. This particular section was open to dogs, so our friends Matt and Cassie brought theirs.

The trail was moderate in difficulty, and only required minimal effort to traverse, making it good for a day hike. This particular hike was “out and back” as opposed to a loop so we walked for a few miles, then returned. “Babbling brooks” are one of the most southing sounds one can hear. You can lose yourself in continual sound.

Something else you can count on is to see some great views along the way. Having a lookout vista, this particular trail was no exception.

Frequently there are areas along the AT where “through hikers” (those who are hiking for days at a time) can rest and relax either for a few minutes or over night. In the Snicker’s Gap section, the Bears Den Trail Center serves as a hostel respite for those who chose to stop in that area. There’s also a port-a-potty for both day hikers and through hikers available.

Of course without pictures with us in them to document the event, it didn’t happen.

It’s a great place of solitude, somewhere to go to look at the beauty of nature and comtemplate.



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