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The Wynwood Walls – Miami, Florida

February 27, 2020.admin.0 Likes.0 Comments

Imagine graffiti that is so artistic you only look at it as art. When you’re at The Wynwood Walls in Miami, Florida, you no longer have to imagine it, you can see it in person. It’s so popular you can purchase a tour through Viator or TripAdvisor. We saw several tours in the time period that we spent appreciating the artwork.

Unlike many art galleries, this art is set on the street and uses the Wynwood Warehouse & Art District in Wynwood. Large buildings with few (if any) windows are perfect for large street art.

As you walk into the district the signage lets you know you’re there! (if you couldn’t tell already)

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Originally the brainchild of Tony Goldman, six buildings were selected in the 25th-26th street area in 2009 to serve as the back drop for this street exposition. The main gallery of art has been configured into a walking park. Sidewalks allow you to stroll through the various sections. Each of the sections with different art in the individual areas.

Artists from around the world showcase their talent. The types of art vary widely, ranging from old school graffiti to portraits to social messages.

The Art

Art is regularly changed out as is required. Each piece of art has a plaque to let the viewer know who the artist is, and what country they’re from.

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They also posted a wall of pictures that have the artists in the process of painting their wall.

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The Walls

Most of the artwork is paint based, using spray paint. However, as you walk throughout the exhibit, different mediums have been utilized.


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Stucco, carving patterns into rocks, and the use of recyclable materials were some of those that are more unusual.

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A couple of paintings turn corners, adding a very intriguing dimension. Almost every square inch of wall is utilized, it’s pretty impressive.

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Another painting makes use of 3D visual perspectives. Interestingly, it’s difficult if not impossible to see with the naked eye, but when you look at the photograph…

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Along with the 3D art being interactive, there’s a spot where you can have your picture taken on the “swing”. Kelsey Montague was the artist for this wall. There’s also a bench where you can sit with the woman who is feeding the pigeons.

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The Doors

A section of the gallery is made up of smaller “canvases”. It is representative of graffiti on the typical roll down garage doors.

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The Businesses

Local businesses have joined into the wall exhibit. This art starts blocks before the official Wynwood Walls dedicated area. There are paintings on permanent walls and even temporary walls throughout the area.

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Even the “real” graffiti was artistically painted!

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Categories: Places To Go
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